Restoring land through considered design.

Catering to both private landowners eager to reinvent their country homes or businesses and farmers interested in exploring agroecological principles, we tailor our landscape design projects to meet the unique ecological and aesthetic needs of our diverse clientele.

Rooted in Regeneration

Nurturing nature with every design. We create ecologically rich, biodiverse and beautiful landscapes.

We are a small team of multidisciplinary landscape designers, restorers and regenerators. Based in Sussex, our regenerative landscape design services transform your environment with regeneration at the core. Our goal is to align natural principles with your unique context, creating bespoke designs that celebrate the beauty of nature.

Adapting to all acres

Tailoring landscapes from beautifully restored country homes to thriving, biodiverse farms.

Whether it’s infusing life back into a serene country home or integrating agroecological practices to rejuvenate a productive farm, our expertise meet both the ecological and aesthetic needs of our varied clientele.

  • Revitalise your country home with bespoke regenerative garden design tailored to your landscape. Conscious Landscape blends artistry and ecology to craft stunning, regenerative gardens and homes in Sussex that are not only breathtaking but also environmentally conscious, enhancing biodiversity and promoting natural beauty.


  • Advance sustainable agriculture on your farm with our regenerative farming solutions. Conscious Landscape is dedicated to implementing agroforestry, water management, and nature-based solutions that boost productivity, enhance soil health, and increase biodiversity on farms throughout Sussex, fostering a more resilient agricultural future.


  • Transform your commercial space with our regenerative landscape design services. Specialising in creating eco-sanctuaries that enhance working environments, Conscious Landscape offers innovative solutions that integrate ecological restoration with aesthetic design to promote well-being and environmental responsibility in green spaces and commercial properties across Sussex.


Guided by nature

Our Ethos - A pact with the planet

Every one of our designs is dedicated to nature restoration and regeneration. Our approach is informed by the land itself, ensuring that our designs are best suited to the landscape’s inherent characteristics. By drawing inspiration from various regenerative practices, we create landscapes that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also ecologically sound.

A Legacy of life

Cultivating resilience, reviving ecosystems

Through our curated landscape designs, we support the revival of natural ecosystems, the strengthening of the property’s resilience, health and value, the regeneration of soils and water systems, and the creation of diverse habitats. The result is increased biodiversity, beauty and the establishment of inspiring sanctuaries that everyone can enjoy.

William & Elliot incorporate indigenous heritage to restoring and regenerating natural landscapes, bringing back traditions and ways of knowing once lost from our landscapes.

Dedicated to bringing the wilderness back into our lives and landscapes, we’re not just designing gardens; we’re fostering the connection between people and nature
Landscapes to get lost in

The power of regenerative and natural landscapes


By reintroducing native species and creating habitats, we not only enhance the visual appeal of landscapes but also provide crucial support for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. This biodiversity is essential for maintaining ecological balance, ensuring that each species plays its part in the greater web of life.


Today’s landscapes face unprecedented challenges from changing weather patterns, but through regenerative design, we have the opportunities to better adapt and foster resilience. By focusing on soil health, water management, and native plant diversity, our designs contribute to improving water infiltration, reducing flood risks, and ensuring landscapes can withstand today’s changing patterns.

Wellbeing & Connection

Spending time surrounded by nature is known to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance physical health. By creating environments that invite you to connect with the natural world, we foster a sense of belonging and shared stewardship of the land.

Featured work

Each project is an opportunity to rekindle the lost connection between humans and the natural world.

We craft spaces that invite engagement, contemplation, and a deeper appreciation for the intricate web of life. From gardens to large scale nature recovery and initiatives, we envision landscapes that are not only a refuge for wildlife but also a source of inspiration and joy. All our projects create an opportunity to play your role in a regenerative landscape fostering a sense of stewardship and a collective commitment to nurturing the health of our planet.

Be part of the change

Together, we can rewild the future

With Conscious Landscape, you’re not just designing a space; you’re nurturing an ecosystem inviting reflection and connection with nature. Contact us to shape a living, breathing sanctuary together.