Regenerative Orchards and Agroforestry, High Weald

Working closely with a forward-thinking landowner, we designed and implemented a regenerative agroforestry system across 30 acres of land in the High Weald AONB.


 Perennial food systems such as the productive fruit and nut orchard we implemented here are some of the most durable and resilient agricultural systems out there - allowing you to work in line with natural processes.  


Like in all our work we let ourselves be informed by the land and tried not to project onto it. After a period of initial observation and surveying work based on laser levels and topographic LIDAR mapping, we designed the rows on what’s called a keyline pattern.

With keyline, the land dictates where key elements should be placed including tree lanes, hence the beautiful snaking lanes hugging the landscape. This pattern supports the even distribution of water across the landscape and improves water infiltration, allowing more water to be stored in the soil. The tree rows are evenly spaced and parallel which allows for efficient movement of machinery for harvesting and tree care.


To make the most of the vertical space, each tree lane will be accompanied with a shorter productive layer of berry fruits, and possibly some annual crops in between the tree lanes whilst the trees mature.


The Magical Garden, East Sussex